Sunday, December 15, 2013

To Goa

Where the hope never dies
and where grief is
light-years away,
I come to you, O Goa,
for your spirit
to seep into my veins.
From the morrow,
my life will be
awesome as you always are.
and this is a promise
I make to you, O Goa.

In the light of your beauty ,
the scars of my past will be hid
and  in the music of your singing shores
My life will find new notes.
With your night-clubs
and the tapping feet,
my feet will tap as well,
O Goa I will be one with you
and you will live in me hence.


Me and Miley
are going through similiar stuff,
She is rebelling to find purpose,
I am rebelling after I found one.
She is rebelling
after success made her dizzy
I am rebelling
to find success for my own.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Love - Again

I felt touched,
for the first time in years.
I felt love
And it wasn't the
teeny weeny bubble-gum type -
It was love
as I knew should be.

And I felt
the heart throb overtime -
anxious, elated.
And the dreams
came back to my eyes.

Suddenly, I was no more
aloof to the world
and i could see -
love, tears and suffering around.
And I could feel -
Joy, fear, anger again.
 It was as if
I was in love again.