I felt touched,
for the first time in years.
I felt love
And it wasn't the
teeny weeny bubble-gum type -
It was love
as I knew should be.
And I felt
the heart throb overtime -
anxious, elated.
And the dreams
came back to my eyes.
Suddenly, I was no more
aloof to the world
and i could see -
love, tears and suffering around.
And I could feel -
Joy, fear, anger again.
It was as if
I was in love again.
for the first time in years.
I felt love
And it wasn't the
teeny weeny bubble-gum type -
It was love
as I knew should be.
And I felt
the heart throb overtime -
anxious, elated.
And the dreams
came back to my eyes.
Suddenly, I was no more
aloof to the world
and i could see -
love, tears and suffering around.
And I could feel -
Joy, fear, anger again.
It was as if
I was in love again.