Sunday, May 25, 2014

We Will Meet on The Hill

We will meet on the hill
on a rainy rainy day.
You will come as you will
on a rainy rainy day.
And the hill will be smiling
with the flowers and our love.
The hungry woods will be feasting
with the raindrops and our love...
And Our Love......

We will leave all umbrellas
in the back of our car.
We will leave all connections
from all near and all far.
And it will be just you and me
and no one else miles around.
No one to see our dance in rain
No one to listen our songs...
Our Songs....

We will wait on the hill
till the night shows its face.
And when the rain-clouds abate
the moon will come in silken grace.
And we will sit there together
in the mesmerising night.
I will just hold your hand in mine
until Sun comes to bring the light...
The Morning Light....

PS : The full audio song to be released shortly ;)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

When you fly away...

I wish when u fly away,
You fly away
From my dreams too -
The lovely Eden of hope.

Or I shall be doomed forever
To drink from the creek
Where you washed your hair
And eat from the tree
Whose fruits u would eat half and leave.
And adore the flowers
Whose kin adorned you -
Red on white, yellow in black
The deity of summer and of spring.

And when you fly away,
Fly away with my shackles,
Thoughts that have bound me to you...
And your memories be like broken bits
Of some half remembered dream.
Like the sound of a waterfall
like the smell of a rose
and a half painted rainbow.

The girl who always smiled

Whenever I saw her -
I saw her smile
and I thought,
just like that,
She always smiled.

I, more human,
went through the grind
that life had on offer.
I laughed, I cried.
I writhed in the agony of love.
I did this, I did that.
I  jumped from one emotion
to another, in no time.
But all this while,
whenever I saw her,
serene as ever,
she always smiled.